Ағылшынша шығарма: My motherland

Алматы облысы, Панфилов ауданы
"Кішішыған орта мектебі мектепке дейінгі шағын орталығымен" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
8 "Ә" сынып оқушысы: Болаткан Дана
Жетекшісі: Исабекова Назира Абдрахманқызы
"Кішішыған орта мектебі мектепке дейінгі шағын орталығымен" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
8 "Ә" сынып оқушысы: Болаткан Дана
Жетекшісі: Исабекова Назира Абдрахманқызы
My motherland is Kazakhstan. It is the country which is situated in the centre of the Euroasian continent. It is the country of free people.
Kazakhstan is an extremely beautiful land. There are the majestic Zailisliy Alatau mountains, the powerful rivers: the Yrtysh, the Syrdarya, and the Amudarya, and the endless steppes.
Kazakhstan is the country where many nations live in peace.
You can find different kinds of treasures:rare beautiful animals,plants,minerals – on the endless space of our country.
There are a lot of cities in Kazakhstan which are as beautiful as the best cities of Europe and Asia such as astana, Almaty, Pavlodar and others.
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan and the centre of Akmolinsk region – the motherland of Saken Seifullin and Magjan Joumabaev. After Kazakhstan had gained the independence, a decision was made to replace the capital. So now Kazakhstan has a new capital and the city has a new name – Astana.
Astana is the centre of political life of Kazakhstan. Residence of President, the Parliament and the Government are located here. Textile, light and printing industries are higly developed in Astana. There are many universities, institutes and colleges here.
In future century Astana will be one of the most beautiful and flourishing capitals of the world.
I love my Kazakhstan very much. And I believe that you will love it too if you come here.
Kazakhstan is an extremely beautiful land. There are the majestic Zailisliy Alatau mountains, the powerful rivers: the Yrtysh, the Syrdarya, and the Amudarya, and the endless steppes.
Kazakhstan is the country where many nations live in peace.
You can find different kinds of treasures:rare beautiful animals,plants,minerals – on the endless space of our country.
There are a lot of cities in Kazakhstan which are as beautiful as the best cities of Europe and Asia such as astana, Almaty, Pavlodar and others.
Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan and the centre of Akmolinsk region – the motherland of Saken Seifullin and Magjan Joumabaev. After Kazakhstan had gained the independence, a decision was made to replace the capital. So now Kazakhstan has a new capital and the city has a new name – Astana.
Astana is the centre of political life of Kazakhstan. Residence of President, the Parliament and the Government are located here. Textile, light and printing industries are higly developed in Astana. There are many universities, institutes and colleges here.
In future century Astana will be one of the most beautiful and flourishing capitals of the world.
I love my Kazakhstan very much. And I believe that you will love it too if you come here.
Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!
Қарап көріңіз 👇
kz | Шығармалар
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